We provide Seafish Approved Training for those requiring the professional qualifications needed to work in the fishing industry or those people needing the qualifications to hold a Boat Masters Licence or commercially endorsed RYA qualification. Our training is also suitable for anyone that wants to further their personal knowledge and make their personal boating safer.
The following is what training is required legally on UK registered fishing vessels.

Basic Safety Training
Requirements on All Fishing Vessels New Entrants
A new entrant is defined as a person who is for the first time gainfully employed or engaged as a crew member on a commercial fishing vessel registered in the United Kingdom.
Before starting work as a fisherman all new entrants must have completed the following course:
- 1 day Basic Sea Survival.
Within 3 months of starting work, all new entrant fisherman must complete the following additional courses:
- 1 day Basic Fire Fighting and Prevention.
- 1 day Basic First Aid.
- 1 day Basic Health and Safety (only required of new entrants after 01 January 2005).
Experienced Fishermen
An experienced fisherman is defined as a person who has been working as a fisherman for two years or more. In addition to the courses required of new entrants (above), all experienced fishermen, regardless of whether they hold a Certificate of Competency, must complete the following course:
- 1 day Safety Awareness and Risk Assessment.
Additional Voluntary Training Courses
Seafish offer a number of voluntary training courses in Navigation, Engineering and Stability. Completion of these courses (with the addition of the Royal Yachting Association’s GMDSS Short Range Certificate for radio operators) make up the requirements for the Seafish Under 16.5m Skipper’s Certificate, which is also accepted by the MCA for use on small commercial vessels.

Select the course you wish to book on to and fill out the automated form to request your place on the course.